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Exploring the types of Nature-Based Solutions for Carbon Sequestration

While we all turn to AI-driven solutions and innovative technologies to help capture man-made carbon emissions, we cannot deny that nature has its own ways of decarbonizing the atmosphere, as highlighted in our recent article on biofuel creation from crops to mitigate carbon emissions from land transport. Let’s revisit how nature, in its original form, can aid in carbon sequestration.

Nature-based solutions (NbS) encompass conserving, recovering or enhancing the management of ecosystems to enable carbon removal from the atmosphere. These ecosystems are effective in capturing carbon dioxide through the process of sequestering it in plants, soils, and sediments. NbS also has a multitude of benefits socially, environmentally, and economically such as food security, air pollution and disease control, and strengthening local communities. It is said that NbS has the potential to contribute significantly to reaching net-zero carbon emissions globally by 2050 together with other decarbonization strategies. However, the issue lies in the fact that biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse is considered one of the top 5 risks over the next 10 years that is why US$700 billion per year is needed to address this (UN Environment Programme, n.d.). Currently, there are several global policies lined up such as the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal that focuses on supporting nature-based solutions. Countries are incorporating NbS as well into their national climate targets by as much as 92% including biodiversity and restoration targets (World Resources Institute, 2023).

While governments and companies rush to create innovative solutions for exponential carbon removal, the simplest approach to scaling carbon capture lies in nurturing and preserving our natural environment. Explore the different types of nature-based carbon removal solutions below:

Types of Nature-based Solutions

Ecosystem Restoration Projects

Over centuries, humans have altered 77% of terrestrial and 87% of marine ecosystems globally (Nature Conservancy Canada, n.d.). Now that we are plagued with the impacts of climate chang, it is necessary to restore the ecosystems and biodiversity to their natural state. Ecosystem restoration is the act of supporting the recovery of destroyed ecosystems and conserving those that are still intact. Here are a few ecosystems that require timely action:

Afforestation and Reforestation

Afforestation involves cultivating land that has long been without vegetation, such as abandoned agricultural fields, open grasslands, or dry regions. Such measures to restore the land’s fertility include soil conditioning, erosion control and water management. Reforestation on the other hand is replanting trees in forests that have degraded or have grown bare.  Global forests release an astonishing 8.1 billion metric tonnes of carbon annually due to logging. However, the remaining forests still manage to absorb 16 billion metric tonnes of carbon each year showing how big of an impact forests are in capturing carbon.

Wetland Restoration

Wetlands are carbon-rich ecosystems where water covers the soil either year-round or for extended periods during the year. Restoration focuses on revitalizing wetlands to enhance carbon absorption, safeguard against flooding, and support wildlife. Rewetting among other active restoration efforts in dried up wetlands can convert the ecosystem from a distressed carbon source to a healthy carbon sink. In waterlogged soils, decomposition occurs more slowly, allowing dead plant material to accumulate as soil organic carbon in wetlands at a faster rate than it is released. Because of this, wetland soils are able to store more carbon per gram than grasslands or forest soils. In Ontario for example, wetlands can contain over 29 billion tonnes of carbon which is the equivalent to discharging Canada’s 24.1 million gas-powered from roads for 1,000 years.

Mangrove Protection

Mangroves are amongst the most efficient coastal systems in the world because they not only act as a carbon sink but provide critical nursing environments for young marine species (Word Economic Forum, 2023). Mangroves are also capable of providing natural flood protection which helps decrease impact of heavy storms and minimize erosions and as a result protect communities. More importantly, mangroves are highly effective carbon sinks, capable of absorbing up to four times more carbon than rainforests and storing it deep within their roots for millennia. Mangroves comprise 14.8 million hectares globally and store an estimated 6.4 billion tonnes of carbon in their biomass and soils. However, mangroves are at risk of extinction because of rising sea levels, coastal developments and pollution from oil spills and consequences of dam construction (The Guardian, 2024). Supporting mangrove conservation projects and prioritizing sustainable coastal development are just a few ways we can do to protect mangroves.

Urban Ecological Solutions

Urban areas are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 60% across commercial, residential, and transportation activities. As local governments, developers, and residents recognize the impacts of urbanization, they implement cost-effective, nature-based solutions like natural amenities and urban vegetation to help absorb carbon from the atmosphere. NbS are making waves in cities worldwide as they seek to enhance natural assets and preserve ecosystems. Germany and Norway are examples of cities that have pivoted towards sustainable development as mentioned in a previous article. Urban NbS not only help sequester carbon but also improve the overall quality of life for people through reduced temperatures, enhanced food security, better water filtration, and cleaner air. These are a few examples of urban NbS that are proven to provide a significant contribution to carbon sequestration and overall sustainability:

Vegetated (Green) Roofs

Green roofs consist of various types of vegetation, including trees, shrubs, crops, and grasses, planted on structures such as government buildings, schools, community centers, and both commercial and residential properties (Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, 2021). The current urban landscape, with its hardscapes, buildings, and underground utilities, disrupts the natural functioning of the local ecosystem. Basic vegetated roofs can intercept, drain and evaporate water similarly to natural systems but only for a temporary period can they store excess water for later passive infiltration, drainage, and irrigation.  To optimize vegetated roofs, they must be grown in favourable conditions that entails arable soil volume, water retention, and proper drainage.

The process by which vegetation can absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is through storing it within their plant tissue. While the plant grows, the carbon is dispersed in its roots, leaves, and stems. Over time, some carbon is released back into the air or deposited in the soil, where it can contribute to a long-term carbon store once the plant decomposes and becomes part of the soil. As vegetation continues to grow over the years, the carbon stored in the soil increases, leading to a net sequestration of carbon.

Urban Green Spaces

Unpaved and biologically active green areas, parks, and pocket gardens can do wonders in the city by cooling and enhancing air quality, providing shade and offsetting the urban heat as we deal with the impacts of climate change. The carbon capture potential of vegetation varies depending on the structure and growth rate of the plants. Grassy areas can sequester approximately 0.5 to 5 tons (0.45 to 4.54 tonnes) of carbon per hectare per year, while forest-dominated corridors can capture well over 5 tons (4.54 tonnes) of carbon dioxide per hectare per year.

Multifaceted Agricultural Ecosystem Strategies

Agriculture NbS may be classified as a cost-efficient and long-lasting approach to managing sustainable land and water resources as well climate change effects. A few of these nature-based solutions can aid in securing water supply and quality including restoration of ecosystems worldwide, contributing to substantial health benefits and global food security. In addition to sustaining natural resources, they are also effective in capturing significant amounts of carbon dioxide. Below are some agricultural practices that can be adopted to enhance carbon capture and improve land and water management:

Agroforestry Practices

Agroforestry practices refer to comprehensive land stewardship, integrating trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock to enhance overall benefits. In North America, there exists these basic types of agroforestry practices: windbreaks, alley cropping, silvopasture, and riparian forest buffers.

  • Windbreaks: Trees and shrubs planted in a singular line which offers economic, environmental, and community benefits. By its name, it is designed to slow the wind resulting to more beneficial conditions for soils, crops, livestock, wildlife and people. For windbreaks to maximize its CO₂ absorption potential, selecting species that can grow biomass quickly or those that are used in wood products is critical (USDA, 2021).

  • Alley Cropping: Also known as intercropping, these are rows of trees and shrubs planted to create alleys within lands with agricultural or horticultural crops. Trees planted include hardwood veneer or lumber species, nut or other specialty crop trees/shrubs or desirable softwood species for wood fiber production. The trees found in alley cropping systems are capable of storing large amounts of carbon above ground, primarily in the form of woody biomass, which captures carbon throughout the tree’s lifetime. Ally cropping can sequester as much as 1.37 tonnes CO₂ equivalent per acre per year which can be compared to the amount of gas used to drive 3,401 miles (5.5 km) in a standard SUV.

  • Silvopasture: The practice of integrating trees with grazing livestock on the same land. Adding trees to pastures typically sequesters more carbon than clearing trees to establish silvopastures. It is said to be one of the most promising approaches to carbon sequestration and reducing carbon emissions from agriculture. California-based think tank, Project Drawdown, says that silvopastures can outpace any grassland technique to counter methane emissions and sequester carbon under-hoof. Silvopasture sequester 5 to 10 times more carbon than any treeless land of the same size.

  • Riparian Forest Buffers: These are vegetated areas surrounding bodies of water such as streams, rivers, or wetlands. They help filter runoff, reduce soil erosion, enhance water quality, and provide vital habitat for wildlife. Riparian forest buffers can sequester up to 587 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent per hectare of land in over a period of 25 years.

Sustainable Land Management

Sustainable Land Management, another key principle of agroforestry, involves efficient and sustainable practices that maximize the use of land resources, including soil, water, animals, and plants, to produce goods to meet human needs. Examples of which are crop rotation, cover cropping, conservation tillage, and integrated pest management. By 2030, these sustainable land practices are estimated to reduce carbon emissions by 2.3 to 6.4 GtCO₂ equivalent per year.

Supporting Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based solutions play a critical role in carbon sequestration and provide a range of benefits beyond that. For corporations, there are several investment opportunities that can help achieve corporate sustainability goals while creating a more positive impact on the world. Here are some investment prospects worth considering:

  • Purchasing carbon offsets: Invest in nature-based voluntary carbon projects that are designed to capture carbon form the atmosphere. Companies, however, must ensure that these projects undergo rigorous validation by accredited verification standards.

  • Investing in Blue Bonds: Blue bonds are debt instruments issued by governments, development banks, or other entities to finance marine and ocean-based projects that deliver environmental, economic, and climate benefits. Launched in 2023, these bonds support initiatives such as marine ecosystem management, conservation and restoration, pollution reduction, and marine renewable energy. For more information, refer to the Practitioner’s Guide for Bonds to Finance the Sustainable Blue Economy, published by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Capital Market Association (ICMA), United Nations Global Compact, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

  • Implementing a Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnership (P4) for nature-based solutions: The World Economic Forum and McKinsey Sustainability have identified a framework for P4 models that maximize collaborative efforts. These partnerships often entail transactional financing, industry-targeted initiatives, and wide-ranging knowledge-sharing platforms. Leveraging the strengths of each entity—the public sector in enacting policies and incentives, the private sector in establishing business models for growth and deployment, and philanthropies with their knowledge of intergenerational and equity issues—they can focus on building nature-based solutions that are effective and scalable.

As policymakers, corporations, and individuals, we must not overlook the vital role that nature-based solutions play in carbon sequestration. These solutions not only help mitigate climate change but also promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem resilience, and provide numerous social and economic benefits.

If you're interested in exploring carbon credit and offset investments, contact GreenEco Investments to learn how you can contribute to these impactful solutions.

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